Public interest disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) promotes integrity and accountability in the Commonwealth public sector. The PID Act encourages employees, former employees, and others prescribed by the PID Act to disclose wrongdoing by public officials. The PID Act provides protections for people who make disclosures and requires agencies to take appropriate action.

The CEO and Principal Registrar of the FCFCOA has authorised the following officers to handle public interest disclosures:

  • David Pringle – CEO and Principal Registrar
  • Virginia Wilson – Deputy Principal Registrar and Executive Director, Court Finances and Operations;
  • Amanda Morris – National Judicial Registrar, Legal, Policy, Projects and Judicial Case Management; and
  • Lynda Maitland – Senior Judicial Registrar, Joint Coordinating Registrar - Central Region, and Director - Property Operations.

To contact authorised officers, email: