New court reform focused on the safety of children and their families by identifying and addressing issues of family violence and other risks.
The expansion of the Lighthouse model and risk screening from 3 current locations to 15 locations strengthens the Courts’ ability to identify risks early, and respond to those risks. The expansion will benefit many more families, not only because of the expanded number of locations, but it will also include parties filing ‘parenting only’, and ‘parenting and financial’ order matters.
To support the legal profession, unrepresented litigants and parties to become familiar with the expansion of the model, the Courts have developed several fact sheets that provide key information about what to expect from 28 November 2022, when the new arrangements commence.
The Lighthouse expansion – General fact sheet provides an overview of the elements of the Lighthouse model. While the Information Sheet for Parties, and Information Sheet for Practitioners, provide detailed information on the risk screening process and how it assists the Court to determine the best case management pathway.
We hope you will be able to join us for one of the information sessions on the Lighthouse Expansion. The sessions will provide important information about the new arrangements, including the Evatt List (high risk list). The sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, 16 November and Tuesday, 22 November. As the session scheduled on 10 November unfortunately had to be postponed, the Courts will schedule an additional session for late November, to be advised soon.
In the meantime see the FCFCOA website for further information.