Bankruptcy information sheets
The Court’s bankruptcy information sheets and checklist are intended to provide practical assistance and have been prepared as a guide only. They do not summarise the legislative requirements or the applicable bankruptcy rules and should not be regarded as a substitute for them.
Bankruptcy Information Sheet 1: Presenting a Creditor’s Petition
Bankruptcy Information Sheet 2: Creditor’s Petition checklist
Bankruptcy Information Sheet 3: Opposing a Creditor’s Petition
Bankruptcy Information Sheet 4: Setting aside a Bankruptcy Notice
Bankruptcy Information Sheet 5: Substituted Service Applications
Bankruptcy Information Sheet 6: Consequences of a Sequestration Order
For more information about bankruptcy proceedings in the Court see the Guide for practitioners and parties in bankruptcy matters listed before a Registrar.
Australian Financial Security Authority
General information on what happens when a debtor is made a bankrupt is available at the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) website.
For general enquiries about bankruptcy and the alternatives, you can contact the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) in your state or territory or visit their website.
National Debt Helpline
The National Debt Helpline (NDH) is a not-for-profit service that helps people in Australia tackle their debt problems. Professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential service through the NDH. Financial counsellors are professionals who will guide you through your options to try to help you plan your way out of debt. NDH is funded by the Federal Government and the State governments of Victoria and NSW and is co-ordinated by Financial Counselling Australia, the peak body for financial counsellors. You can contact NDH on 1800 007 007 or by visiting the National Debt Helpline website.
If you do not have a lawyer there are organisations which may be able to provide free or low-cost legal advice or assistance.
Justice Connect
If you have received a bankruptcy notice Justice Connect has resources that provide more information about receiving a bankruptcy notice.