Note: Most orders made after July 2017 are available to download from the Commonwealth Courts Portal at no cost. For a step-by-step guide see How do I access orders?
How do I apply to the court to obtain a replacement copy of my orders?
If you require a sealed copy of orders from a file that are not available from the Commonwealth Courts Portal and you were a party to the proceedings you should complete the Application for sealed copy of orders. It is important to include the full names of the parties.
What if I am a lawyer acting for someone who was a party to a family law matter and I am not on the record?
If your client is unable to obtain a copy via the Commonwealth Courts Portal please complete the Application for sealed copy of orders and provide a covering letter on your firm's letterhead confirming that you are currently acting for the party. If your client is not registered on the Portal go to the above link for information on how they can register.
What if I am not a party to the file?
If you are not a party to the file you will need the permission of a registrar to obtain a copy of orders. This request must be in writing and include as much detail as possible including:
- Your name and why you say you have a proper interest in the case.
- If you rely on a statutory power - the legislation relied upon.
- What you intend to use the information for.
- Whether you have tried to obtain the information from any other sources.
- Whether you have contacted the parties to the matter for permission to inspect the file and if not, why. If they have provided written consent, please provide a copy.
- Proof of any claims made in relation to the request should be provided.
- Full names including middle names of the parties, if known.
- Dates of birth of the parties, if available.
You can send this request by email (preferred) or post it to the appropriate registry where the file is held.
The registry will contact you to advise whether permission has been granted.
How much will it cost to get a copy of my orders?
There is a $30 fee for each order which includes postage.
Payment is to be made by credit/debit card (visa or mastercard) by completing the Credit Card Payment form and must be included with any Application for a sealed copy of orders.
Where do I send my Application for sealed copy of orders and payment?
You can email (preferred) or post your application and payment to the registry where the orders were made.
How long will it take to get my sealed copy of orders?
The Court will endeavour to send your sealed copy of orders as soon as possible once we have received your request and payment. Please allow 10 working days for processing. Please take into consideration time for posting.
Can I use this form to obtain a copy of my divorce order?
This form cannot be used to obtain a copy of a divorce order. If you require proof of divorce please see How do I prove I am divorced.
What if I am overseas?
You can email your application if you are overseas. The $30 fee includes postage within Australia or overseas.
Can I use this form to obtain documents from a file?
No, there is a different process for this. You should go to Request for file inspection.